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Natalia D. Bronchuk

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Natalia D. Bronchuk


Natalia D. Bronchuk received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and Education from Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts in 2006. She taught high school English for the Los Angeles Unified School District for several years before graduating from Pepperdine University School of Law and being admitted to the California State Bar in 2014.

Ms. Bronchuk has been working the field of workers’ compensation defense for the past 11 years. Having initially gained experience through a solo practitioner representing injured workers, Ms. Bronchuk subsequently devoted her practice to the defense of employers throughout Southern California. Ms. Bronchuk worked at Grancell, Stander, Reubens, Thomas & Kinsey from 2014 to 2016, and Mullen & Filippi from 2016 to 2023.

Ms. Bronchuk has wide-ranging experience in handling complex matters involving multiple parties and high dollar valuations. Most recently, Ms. Bronchuk’s practice has concentrated on defense work for the retail, restaurant, hospitality, and gym and fitness club industries and has tailored strategies unique to those sectors.